Time in Motion: An Approach to Gustavo Bruzzone’s More Than Four Hundred Hours of Filming Toward the End of the Century
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Alicia Herrero with television reporters during her exhibition at Fundación Banco Patricios, Buenos Aires, September 1, 1997. Still from video recording by Gustavo Bruzzone, 0:15 min. ARDI.0002, Gustavo Bruzzone Audiovisual Archive, Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA) Library and Archives.

Agustina Battezzati

From the Desk of invites scholars to fill gaps in English-language reference materials on Latin American art by developing research on movements, geographies, and methodologies.

“What we are trying to do is set the exact moment when we started with this, when we started with this thing that we don’t know when we are going to finish, approximately in the year 2000, but … we are starting in July 1995, on the 5th, on the 5th … of the year 2000.” 1 

—Gustavo Bruzzone

Between 1995 and the early twenty-first century, the Argentine art collector Gustavo Bruzzone 2  filmed around four hundred hours of footage, capturing a wide variety of events related to the Argentine art scene, including conversations, interviews, openings, exhibitions, exhibition installations, workshops, award ceremonies, book readings, and other meetings, both formal and informal, with various participants from the art world. 3  Years later, in an interview, Bruzzone would reflect, “I had the camera as an extension of my arm.” 4  As a result, part of the social and affective world that constituted a key element of his activity as a collector would in turn be captured in an extensive audiovisual record. 5 

Several transformations took place in the art world in the 1990s. By 1995, when Bruzzone began filming regularly, globalization processes were underway, including the emerging information technology revolution and changes in the international art circuit sparked by the growth of biennials and art fairs. Although the internet didn’t have the reach it has today, there was already an awareness and interference of media culture through television. One of the first recorded filming sessions takes place in the house of the Argentine artist Marcelo Pombo. While discussing Bruzzone’s initiative to start filming, Pombo mentions his desire to do a television interview program: “I want to interview people watching TV,” says the artist. 6  The image Pombo has in mind seems clear: a broadcast where he watches television with another person and asks them questions about what they see: a “meta image.” 7  In their conversation, references about Warhol are intertwined with mentions of the case of Federico Klemm and the television program he had at the time. 8  In the context of the media, the size of the audience that could be reached was different, as was the function of the artist. This awareness, which was already present since the Argentine Conceptualism of the 1960s, related to mass media 9  and to artists such as Marta Minujín, among others. In various ways, the recordings from the archive bear witness to this increasing media culture. The awareness of being filmed constantly emerges: “The camera is still on.” “Turn it off.” “Are you recording?” “What media outlet are you from?” “Here comes the TV crew.” This evidences the refusal to speak in front of the camera, or to be filmed, the parody of how to speak and what is expected to be said in front of a camera lens, reveals an ambivalent relationship with technology. By introducing a video camera as just another element among people, the recordings trace a serpentine path toward what years later would become the demand for self-design in the face of a hypermediatized world. 10  However, Bruzzone’s ambitious task starkly contrasts with this hyper-future through a key decision he made about the project from the outset, which reappears in filmed dialogues: all recordings are “for the year 2020” (para el año 2020). Nothing is instantaneous. Filming, recording, or rather, preserving, conserving, up to a certain future time in history: a time capsule 11  at its finest. This was a challenge to the instantaneity and speed 12  of the neoliberal end of the century, and also, with its conviction to preserve and protect, to the erasure of history. 13  Moreover, due to its proximity to the social world it films, we will observe that the camera witnesses the fiction created by the artists as they design themselves for the camera.

By introducing a video camera as just another element among people, the recordings trace a serpentine path toward what years later would become the demand for self-design in the face of a hypermediatized world.

Fig. 1. Marcelo Pombo shows one of his works during his conversation with Bruzzone at his home in Buenos Aires, July 28, 1995. Still from video recording by Gustavo Bruzzone, 7:55 min. ARDI.0002, Gustavo Bruzzone Audiovisual Archive, Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA) Library and Archives.

In this way, driven by the acceleration of technology but removed from its instantaneity, Bruzzone’s initiative seems to take its impulse from the very sociability in which he is immersed. His obsession with “preserving what is happening” (preservar lo que está ocurriendo), as he once noted, arose in part from hearing Pablo Suárez talk incessantly about what had happened in the arts in previous decades. However, when Bruzzone inquired about specific works or events, he found that there was nothing, no record. 14  The first recorded video, where the project seems to begin, takes place in the house of artists Pablo Suárez and Miguel Harte, which is, according to Bruzzone, the “most convenient” place, and which he describes as follows: “Suárez’s house, Harte’s house, Suárez’s works, Harte’s works, things all mixed together in Suárez and Harte’s workshop” 15  This initial moment, close and intimate, reveals the aforementioned fundamental affective social environment in the formation of Bruzzone’s collection. However, the audiovisual project expanded, reaching wider circles beyond those in his collection 16  and searching for narrations from artists who had longer careers in the Argentine art scene.

Bruzzone's audiovisual project inevitably entails a form of intervention on the artistic archive and documentation and, as I also mentioned earlier, on time and its perception. The recordings’ vast and varied repertoire of scenes, encounters, and records makes it difficult to find a guiding thread for the audiovisual collection as a whole. At the same time, this variety underscores the eternal impossibility of establishing a single temporal and discursive line for a historical period. Georges Didi-Huberman’s approach to the works of Aby Warburg and Walter Benjamin places at the center the question of the relationship between history and time imposed by the image. Recovering the perspective of memory implies not reducing the image to a “simple document of history,” that is, to a derivative result of its own context, nor understanding history as fixed knowledge or a simple continuous process. 17  In this reading, memory holds the same place as historical epistemology. Revolution in Benjamin implies shifting from viewing the past as “objective fact” toward seeing it as memory, as “fact in motion” (hecho en movimiento). 18  In Bruzzone’s recordings, the past is in motion, or perhaps, more generally: time in motion is in front of us. One way in which this movement manifests is through the testimonies displayed in the videos, which are filmed as interviews or conversations about the recent past, the early nineties, and/or earlier times. At the same time, part of the very nature of the audiovisual medium as a record gives rise to another issue I will address: the dispersion of the artwork since the expansion of its documentation.

Bruzzone's audiovisual project inevitably entails a form of intervention on the artistic archive and documentation and on time and its perception.

Fig. 2. León Ferrari in conversation with Sebastián Linero at his home in Argentina, March 1998. Still from video recording by Gustavo Bruzzone, 24:36 min. ARDI.0002, Gustavo Bruzzone Audiovisual Archive, Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA) Library and Archives. 

Fig. 3. León Ferrari shows some of his works intervened with phrases written in braille, March 1998. Still from video recording by Gustavo Bruzzone, 26:01 min. ARDI.0002, Gustavo Bruzzone Audiovisual Archive, Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA) Library and Archives. 

In a recording of about forty minutes from 1998, Argentine artist León Ferrari, in a scene shot like a conversation or interview, answers questions and speaks to the camera about current art issues and discussions related to the nineties and the past. When asked about globalization and what Ferrari terms a sort of “contagion” (contagio) between art and artists, he offers his view on the discussions surrounding the preeminence of the concept in the works of the time. 19  Ferrari warns that there is an encounter between “the art of the non-idea, let’s say, and the art of ideas.” 20  Based on a reading of his own artistic trajectory and forms of production, Ferrari asserts that he creates “both works”: “works that have a purpose of expression and those that do not.”  21  On the one hand, he creates works that have “very precise ideas” (ideas muy precisas), issues that in his case, he says, are “old”—such as his interest in religion and its cruelty—but for which he intensely seeks “new forms”: “For the last thirty years I have been trying to do things with very precise ideas, and I have been racking my brains trying to find new ways to say things that are perhaps old—so as not to use the old common places to say very simple things.” 22  On the other hand, Ferrari creates works without a prior interest in expressing “rational” issues, which he identifies, for example, with his grafismos. 23  The difference that Ferrari expresses about these two types of artistic productions reflects part of the discussions that permeated the Argentine artistic scene during the nineties against the backdrop of the growth of Neoconceptualism as the dominant language in the international art scene. 24  It is clear that in Ferrari’s testimony, a retrospective reflection on his own artistic career overlaps with a perspective from the present and of the recent 1990s. Different moments and historical contexts thus converge in the perspective of Ferrari, who takes up the debate but shifts it away from the art’s discursive situation or the framework of intelligibility of art that was being discussed at the time 25  to rescue the potential value of the idea: the idea reasoned in advance. In this way, Ferrari’s testimony reconfigures the discussion from his own historical experience, offering points to consider the contemporary past and present: it underlines the potential strategic use of both forms in the same historical moment or in the career of the same artist. In this same conversation, Ferrari also warns against excessive recognition: “When they praise you too much, it is dangerous,” he says. 26  With this statement, Ferrari points to the celebrity culture linked to the art world as another issue of the time. As I mentioned previously, many of the recordings reveal the interference and perception of the media, mainly of television, based on the reactions and comments of those being filmed. Additionally, Bruzzone’s camera sometimes records other cameras that appear on the scene, at events like exhibition openings. The camera that records the camera becomes a witness to this expanding media culture and reveals its relationship with the demand for interpretation of artistic works. 27  This was the case with the opening of Alicia Herrero’s solo exhibition at Fundación Banco Patricios in 1997, where the artist appears on camera answering a series of questions about her exhibition to a television reporter. In the recording, Herrero speaks about the exhibition’s organization and the techniques and materials of her displayed series of works. 28  However, when asked about what the works refer to, Herrero—probably in line with discussions about excessive discursiveness in the arts—answers: “I don't interpret anything.” 29 

Bruzzone’s camera sometimes records other cameras that appear on the scene, at events like exhibition openings. The camera that records the camera becomes a witness to this expanding media culture and reveals its relationship with the demand for interpretation of artistic works.

Fig. 4. Alicia Herrero with television reporters during her exhibition at Fundación Banco Patricios, Buenos Aires, September 1, 1997. Still from video recording by Gustavo Bruzzone, 0:15 min. ARDI.0002, Gustavo Bruzzone Audiovisual Archive, Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA) Library and Archives.

Fig. 5. Detail of Alicia Herrero’s Génesis y manipulación (Genesis and Manipulation, 1996) shown at her exhibition at Fundación Banco Patricios, Buenos Aires, September 1, 1997. Stills from video recording by Gustavo Bruzzone, 1:36 min. (top still) and 1:58 min. (bottom still). ARDI.0002, Gustavo Bruzzone Audiovisual Archive, Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA) Library and Archives. 

Fig. 6. Detail of Alicia Herrero’s Génesis y manipulación (Genesis and Manipulation, 1996) shown at her exhibition at Fundación Banco Patricios, Buenos Aires, September 1, 1997. Stills from video recording by Gustavo Bruzzone, 1:36 min. (top still) and 1:58 min. (bottom still). ARDI.0002, Gustavo Bruzzone Audiovisual Archive, Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA) Library and Archives. 

Fig. 7. Conversation between Oscar Bony and Gustavo Bruzzone at Bony’s house, Argentina, October 30, 1995. Still from video recording by Gustavo Bruzzone, 120:43 min. ARDI.0002, Gustavo Bruzzone Audiovisual Archive, Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA) Library and Archives. 

Another of the recordings in the form of an extended conversation takes place during a visit to Oscar Bony’s house in 1995. In the recording, Bony recounts the well-known action he carried out on the opening day of the exhibition 90-60-90 at Fundación Banco Patricios in 1994, in which his work was not included. For the occasion, Bony created a “pamphlet” as a form of “protest” with the phrase “Oscar Bony artista/Mariano Bilik fascista” (“Oscar Bony is an artist/Mariano Bilik is a fascist.”) 30  on one of its sides, and coordinated for them to be thrown throughout the exhibition space during the opening, an intervention he remembers as “practically a military action.” 31  More than the action itself, I am interested in focusing on Bony’s testimony, wherein he contextualizes the intervention and shares his view on the era. Bony recognizes artists’ need to be seen, to exhibit, but he also warns about conflicts of interests with institutions that often disadvantage artists, and he maintains a critical stance toward them. This position, rooted in Bony’s experience in the sixties,  32  overlaps with the context of a growing institutional art system at the end of the millennium but emphasizes not so much its opportunities but rather what remains outside of it. In this vein, in an extensive conversation from 1995, artist Ana Gallardo also criticizes the institutional system of that time. Gallardo states that she couldn’t easily show her work at that time because it was linked to feminist issues. She also warns that not adapting to technological formats or media such as televisions and projectors could result in exclusion. 33  Gallardo reveals her misgivings with technological formats, not only because of the potential exclusion they could entail but also due to the restricted access to this type of equipment in Argentina and its association with what Ferrari described as a sort of international contagion: “Wanting to be contemporary with elements that we do not know, that don’t serve us us, that don’t belong to us … That language does not belong to me, it is imposed, so what is art then?” 34 

Fig. 8. Ana Gallardo in conversation with Gustavo Bruzzone, Buenos Aires, August 22, 1995. Still from video recording by Gustavo Bruzzone, 76:34 min. ARDI.0002, Gustavo Bruzzone Audiovisual Archive, Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA) Library and Archives. 

Fig. 9. Ana Gallardo shows a photograph of the “ambientación” (atmosphere) she created for her works in Mexico as a goodbye to her works after they were destroyed in a fire, Buenos Aires, August 22, 1995. Still from video recording by Gustavo Bruzzone, 109:33 min. ARDI.0002, Gustavo Bruzzone Audiovisual Archive, Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA) Library and Archives. 

Fig. 10. Claudia Fontes burns her wax piece, Buenos Aires, December 18, 1995. Still from video recording by Gustavo Bruzzone, 18:05 min. ARDI.0002, Gustavo Bruzzone Audiovisual Archive, Institute for Studies on Latin American Art (ISLAA) Library and Archives. 

Just as the recordings complicate and stratify time and the artistic discussions of the era through artists’ testimonies and the camera as a witness, they also expand the breadth of the artwork. I would like to conclude by mentioning the value and existence that films provide, as records and witnesses of what is said but also of the ephemeral, to different stages of an artistic work. From the outset, Bruzzone, as an art collector, was often interested in artists’ “early works,” which he says to have rescued “from the trash,” found broken or to be discarded, works that Roberto Jacoby describes as “before the pattern”.  35  To a certain extent, the audiovisual project continues and reformulates this quest by incorporating various nuances. Recorded testimonies give life to works narrated by artists, some of which never materialized, such as the television interview program Marcelo Pombo desired to create. Other times, the camera witnesses the events surrounding a piece, as in the case of Claudia Fontes’s wax sculpture catching fire. A recording of just over forty minutes from December 1995 documents the burning of a wax sculpture depicting a human face that is crumbling, revealing its internal structure as it completely melts and falls apart. The scene resembles a rehearsal, an experiment, yet it also opens up a space for contemplation and slow movement. Amid the narration of some artworks and the destruction of others emerges part of Ana Gallardo’s story about a group of her works that had accidentally burned some years earlier in Mexico. In the recording, Gallardo shows a photograph of a “setting” (ambientación) and thus gives voice to a “Mexican wake” (velorio mexicano) that she created to bid farewell to her artworks. 36 

This essay began with the question of the relationship between history and time as imposed by the image, later delving into how this audiovisual collection introduces a series of contradictions and conflicts that unfold discussions and discourses of the era, thus setting the past in motion. Through the camera lens, the concatenation of disparate scenes and characters, and oral testimony as history, neither time nor artworks are fixed or univocal. Time reveals its strata and overlaps, while artworks disperse within the record, oscillating between desires and dissipations.

1. “Lo que estamos tratando de hacer es fijar el momento exacto en que empezamos con esto, empezamos con esto que no sabemos cuándo vamos a terminar, aproximadamente en el 2000, pero… estamos empezando en julio del 1995, a 5, a 5… del año 2000.” Unless otherwise noted, all Spanish-to-English translations in this essay are my own. Gustavo Bruzzone says these words to the camera at the house of Pablo Suárez and Miguel Harte, one of the many intimate environments where the recordings take place. “Suárez Taller – De Volder Dto - Pablo Pérez Cippolini Textos – De Volder Landen Dto – Pombo Taller,” video recording, July 25, 1995. Colección y Archivo Bruzzone, Buenos Aires. 
2. Gustavo Bruzzone is a collector of Argentine contemporary art, a judge, and a professor at the Facultad de Derecho of the Universidad de Buenos Aires. Bruzzone cofounded and edited the Argentine visual arts magazine Ramona, created in 2000, and in 1998 cocreated Proyecto Bola de Nieve with Roberto Jacoby.
3. Regarding the extensive recordings that make up this archive, Argentine producer Florencia Clérico undertook archival work between 2020 and 2022 and, together with Rodrigo Moraes, created a series of five short videos. The videos are available on Moraes’s YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/@powerpill/videos.
4. “Tenía la cámara como prolongación del brazo.” Cited in Mariana Cerviño, “Nuevo coleccionismo de arte argentino contemporáneo: el caso de Gustavo Bruzzone,” ASRI: Arte y sociedad. Revista de investigación, no. 0 (September 2011).
5. Francisco Lemus, “Desde el afecto y por la historia: aproximaciones a la Colección Bruzzone,” Boletín de Arte 14 (September 2014): 49–55.
6. “Quiero entrevistar a gente viendo tele.” “1995-07-25 01 Suárez Taller – De Volder Dto.”
7. “1995-07-25 01 Suárez Taller – De Volder Dto.”
8. Between 1994 and 2002, the art program El Banquete Telemático was broadcast in Argentina, produced and hosted by Federico Klemm in collaboration with Carlos Espartaco. For more information, you can visit the website of the Fundación Federico Jorge Klemm, https://www.fundacionfjklemm.org/Federico-Klemm/Banquete-Telematico.
9. See Ana Longoni, “After Pop, We Dematerialize: Oscar Masotta, Happenings, and Media Art at the Beginnings of Conceptualism.” In Listen, Here, Now! Argentine Art of the 1960s: Writings of the Avant-Garde (The Museum of Modern Art, 2004), 156–72; Syd Krochmalny, “The Dematerializer: Media, Ways of Life, and Politics in the Work of Roberto Jacoby,” trans. Dr. Sarah Wilson, Guggenheim, December 19, 2014, https://www.guggenheim.org/articles/map/the-dematerializer-media-ways-of-life-and-politics-in-the-work-of-roberto-jacoby.
10. In Volverse Público: las transformaciones del arte en el ágora contemporánea (Caja Negra, 2014), Boris Groys addresses, against the backdrop of the internet and social media, how, as artists become “media material” (material de los medios) they are compelled to design, change, correct, and adapt their own image.
11. In a recently published book, Arte argentino de los años noventa: ensayos, documentos, testimonios y cronologías (Adriana Hidalgo, 2023), edited by Fabián Lebenglik and Gustavo Bruzzone, Lebenglik uses this term, “time capsule” (cápsula de tiempo), to refer to the texts gathered there, written during the 1990s. Although these texts were intended to be published as a book toward the end of the decade, they did not come to light until this recent publication.
12. Regarding the relation between technology, speed, and time, French philosopher Paul Virilio proposes that speed, together with instantaneous interactions, carries a redemptive illusion of union and proximity, linked in turn to the possibility of a single and universal time, unrelated to historical time. See Paul Virilio, interviewed by Philippe Petit, “From Transportation Revolution to Communications Revolution,” Politics of the Very Worst (Semiotext(e), 1999). In this sense, it is possible to read, through the lens of instantaneousness and redemptive illusion, the auspicious vision of the incipient development of the internet toward the end of the millennium.
13. If we consider capitalism, as Paolo Virno points out, as “the first form of integrally historical social organization” that has presented itself “from the beginning and permanently, as the end of history,” the audiovisual project’s intention to preserve and document can be read as a challenge to such a conception, which acquires even greater relevance in the Argentine context, intensified by the neoliberal politics of the 1990s. Paolo Virno, El recuerdo del presente: ensayo sobre el tiempo histórico (Ediciones Paidós Ibérica, 2003), 178.
14. Interview cited in Francisco Lemus, “Las obras de Bruzzone vuelven a su lugar de origen a través de una retrospectiva de su colección,” XIV Jornadas Interescuelas/Departamentos de Historia, Departamento de Historia de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina, 2–5 October, 2013, https://www.aacademica.org/000-010/856.
15. “La casa de Suárez, la casa de Harte, las obras de Suárez, las obras de Harte, las cosas todas mezcladas dentro del taller de Suárez y Harte.” “1995-07-25 01 Suárez Taller – De Volder Dto.”
16. Most of Gustavo Bruzzone’s activity as an art collector focused on the works of artists close to the Centro Cultural Ricardo Rojas in the 1990s.
17. Georges Didi-Huberman, Ante el tiempo: historia del arte y anacronismo de las imágenes (Adriana Hidalgo Editora, 2011), 48.
18. Didi-Huberman, Ante el tiempo, 155.
19. Sebastián Linero, «Entrevista a León Ferrari», video recording, March 1998. Colección y Archivo Bruzzone, Buenos Aires.
20. “El arte de la no idea, llamalo, y el de las ideas.” Linero, “Entrevista a León Ferrari.”
21. “Las dos obras”: “las obras que tienen un propósito de expresión y las que no.” Linero.
22. “Hace treinta años que estoy tratando de hacer cosas con unas ideas muy precisas y me rebano los sesos tratando de encontrar formas nuevas para decir a lo mejor cosas que son viejas. Para no usar los viejos lugares comunes para decir cosas muy sencillas.” Linero.
23. Linero.
24. Inés Katzenstein points to Neoconceptualism as the dominant language in the international circuit of the 1990s in her article “Acá lejos: arte en Buenos Aires durante los 90,Ramona, Revista de artes visuales 37 (December 2003): 4–15.
25. In Falsa conciencia. Ensayos sobre la industria del arte (Santiago de Chile: Metales Pesados, 2014), Claudio Iglesias proposes that the confrontation with Neoconceptualism of certain artists, such as some of those associated with the Centro Cultural Ricardo Rojas in the 1990s, was related to confronting the “discursive situation of the contemporary art industry,” that is, the tendency of art to have “justification and purpose,” extended in the discourse of major exhibitions and other instances of the art system.
26. “Cuando te aplauden demasiado es peligroso.” Linero, “Entrevista a León Ferrari.”
27. In Boris Groys’s reading, with the emergence and development of the internet, that is, in a different, more visible and massive circulation of different artistic and cultural traditions, discourse appears in art with greater need to provide meaning and explanation. Boris Groys, Arte en flujo: Ensayos sobre la evanescencia del presente (Caja Negra, 2016), 33.
28. In the exhibition, Herrero presents a series of aluminum pieces made during those years, among which is her work Génesis y Manipulación (Genesis and Manipulation, 1996), which appears in the film.
29. “No interpreto nada.” Gustavo Bruzzone, “Alicia Herrero en Banco Patricios,” video recording, September 1, 1997. Colección y Archivo Bruzzone, Buenos Aires.
30. Victoria Giraudo, “Cronología biográfica,” in Oscar Bony, El Mago: obras 1965 / 2001, Eduardo F. Costantini et al. (Malba, 2007), 224.
31. “Una acción prácticamente militar.” Gustavo Bruzzone, “En la casa de Oscar Bony,” video recording, October 30, 1995. Colección y Archivo Bruzzone, Buenos Aires. In the recorded interview, Bony recounts that he wasn’t included in the 90-60-90 exhibition due to disagreements with Mariano Bilik, who was the director of the Banco Patricios Foundation at the time, regarding the donation of one of his works linked to a previous exhibition. Linero “Entrevista a León Ferrari.”
32. Oscar Bony, a key figure of the sixties, participated in, among other actions, the exhibition Experiencias '68 at the Instituto Di Tella. After Roberto Plate’s work Baño was censored from the exhibition by the police under Onganía’s dictatorship, the exhibiting artists withdrew their works from the show. The event was the culmination of a series of conflicts between art and institutions, after which many artists would abandon institutions for a long period.
33. Gustavo Bruzzone, “Entrevista a Ana Gallardo en su casa con Rocío,” video recording, 22 August 1995. Colección y Archivo Bruzzone, Buenos Aires.
34. “Querer ser contemporáneo con elementos que no conocemos, que no nos sirven, que no nos pertenecen… A mí no me pertenece ese lenguaje, eso es una cosa impostada, entonces ¿qué es el arte?” Bruzzone, “Entrevista a Ana Gallardo.”
35. Roberto Jacoby, “Everyday Stories: Gustavo Bruzzone / Conversation with Roberto Jacoby,” in What Surrounds Us Reflects Us: Collections of Contemporary Argentine Art (Ediciones Larivière, 2008), 111.
36. Bruzzone, “Entrevista a Ana Gallardo en su casa con Rocío.”] The photograph depicts candles, “votive offerings” (exvotos), and what Gallardo describes as the only “painting roll” (rollito de pintura) that was left after the fire, a setting to which she invited people to “say goodbye to her artistic past” (despedirse de su pasado artístico). [Bruzzone, “Entrevista a Ana Gallardo en su casa con Rocío.”
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